Thursday 23 February 2012

An idea for my animation

Trapt-Stay Alive from dms.FM on Vimeo.

In this music video there is model based animation using modelling clay transofrming into a character after under going lots of different forms.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Idea for animation project

Destek Türev Claymation 2010 - I from Dirty Cheap Creative on Vimeo.
This is a video made by Dirty cheap creative from the Destek Turev Claymation 2010 that i found on vimeo. I am going to use this video as inspiration as i like the idea of it and the way it shows you him sculpting the different models and them then coming to life and fighting each other.

Thursday 2 February 2012

30 second animation

For my college course i am required to make a 30 second long animation of anything i want. I am going to make a model based animation similar to the last one that i made and i am going to use similar characters.